Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ezine Advertising Secrets from a Millionaire Marketer

I was fortunate to learn some valuable ezine advertising secrets recently from millionaire marketer Daegan Smith who has been marketing on the internet for over 5 years. He uses a variety of advertising methods including pay-per-click and content marketing. He shared his secrets to one of his favorite advertising methods, ezine advertising. Use these valuable tips to grow your business.

Don’t just advertise in any ezine. You need to focus your advertising budget toward an ezine which caters to your prospects. Make a list of 100 ezines or newsletters in your niche. A valuable resource for finding these ezines is Directory of Ezines. You can have access to the Directory of Ezines for $97 per year or $197 for a lifetime membership. If this is out of your budget, you can create your list for free by doing a search engine search of your niche plus ezine or your niche plus newsletter.

Once you have your list of 100, look at each ezine’s website. Does it look professional? Is it a serious ezine for your niche? If it claims to have a million subscribers but offers you an ad for $30, this is not a serious ezine and you will be throwing your money down the drain.

Once you have examined the websites for the 100 ezines, you will probably be left with about 50 ezines that qualify. Open a new email account with Yahoo or Google and subscribe to each ezine. Look at the ezines that you receive to see which ones work best for your offer. The only ones that you want to consider are newsletters with solo ads. This is very important so I will repeat it. Only consider newsletters or ezines with solo ads.

Whittle your ezine choices down by this criterion and now you will have probably about 25 ezines that qualify. Contact the publisher of each of these ezines. Tell them that you are a happy subscriber to their ezine and you feel that you have a good match for their subscriber base. Ask them how well their ads pull from their newsletter. Ask them if anyone else has marketed anything similar in the past and how did it do. Probably only about 4 of the publishers will respond. Only send money to publishers who respond.

The speed of growth is important for a newsletter. Ask the publisher how fast the subscriber base is growing. Discount about 60% whatever they tell you. You want to advertise with a newsletter that is growing and not one that is dying out.

Daegan Smith uses the same ad for every publication. He has tested this ad and knows that if it isn’t working that it is the publication and not his ad. When you are starting out, you may need to test different forms of the ad until you find one that gets the best response. If he pays $100 for an ad and it doesn’t pull at all or he makes a small amount, say $20, he pulls the ad. If on the other hand, he makes $80, he will contact the publisher and see if he can advertise the ad on a long term contract like 6 months for just $80 per month. This way he should at least break even each month and if the ezine subscription is growing by 10% a month, chances are good that he will soon start to make money.

Daegan has a 2 minute solo ad formula for the best results and here it is:

Subject Line: How to get XYZ Results in ZYX Time Free
If you are sick and tired of (problem, problem. problem), then this will be the most important website you ever see.
Link to website
Headline of Website
Line to website

The goal with the solo ad is to get people to click on your link, not to sell them with the ad. Once the prospect is on your website, capture their name and email address so that if they don’t purchase immediately, you still have a chance to get a sale down the road.

To learn more marketing tips from Daegan Smith, go to